I woke up today at 12am, yes 12 midinight. I felt like I was sleeping while awake beset with so many thoughts, worries which might have been stressing me out that I just had to wake up from being awake while I thought I was sleeping.

My point for writing this right now is that there are so many situations that we could be into like the posts that I have seen on facebook today. Situations that we don't really want to happen to us such as an accident or our loved ones being shot dead by someone or be an OFW who is far away from his family and there's no one you can run to for help in case you need one.
I would not want to be in those situations but things happen for a reason. We may not know God's reason for such frightful situations happening to us but we must at all times, learn to trust that God has a reason for letting it to happen.
It is also a realization for me that whatever problems or worries I might be facing right now, might be incomparable to the pain and sufferings that other people are going through right now. Seeing those posts made me realize that my problems and my worries are not as bad as their situation. Sometimes we think too much of the problems that we have and we tend to forget to thank God for protecting us from any harm and danger, for keeping us safe and for keeping us alive so that we can overcome the obstacles in life that He's giving us. It's a matter of learning to appreciate what you have and what you don't have and just be thankful for every single day that God gives you.
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